| Lesa is Online!
- Live on Zoom in Group or Private Classes here!
- On Demand Video Library here!
- A Welcome Message from Lesa (see below video)
- YouTube Channel Amba Yoga Smithtown here
- Weekly Yoga Tidbit here
- Her latest Podcast Interview on Voice America:
Classes are Ongoing - Join at any Time |
Tuesday 6:30pm*/Thursday 10am/Saturday 9am
Unlike livestream or recorded classes, Lesa views your poses on screen so you receive corrections as you practice! For zoom instructions, go here: link
Choose between: Monthly, Class Card or Single Drop In Class
*Schedule Change in April: Thursday Mornings will move to
Tuesdays starting April 8th after Spring Break
Online Options:
Monthly Online Subscription to Classes: pick 1, 2 or 3 times per week of Lesa's classes online.
Attend live and/or receive a recording of each class, available for viewing up to 1 week after the live streaming class.
Drop in when you like:
Single drop in class
Use your In-Person Class Card
On Demand Classes
Fill out our Registration Form HERE
Then - Send it back to us by screenshot or scan after you purchase your class HERE.
Contact Lesa for a one-on-on complimentary 15 minute tutorial to navigate the program and how to best set up for your class. Email her at ambayoga.lesa@gmail.com.
A Welcome from Lesa Kingsbury |
See a sample of Lesa's teaching on YouTube
Alignment Yoga for Stability, Flexibility and Greater Ease of Movement
with Lesa Kingsbury, E-RYT, C-IAYT
Yoga is widely known for its varied health benefits, including stress-relief and greater freedom of movement. This class is presented in a style which includes the therapeutic benefits of the poses, aiding both strength and mobility, while always respecting the anatomy of the human body. Each class is taught with a careful eye on each student for maximum personal attention. In nearly every class there are people who are relatively new to yoga, alongside others who have practiced for some time. Doing yoga with Lesa, you will be taught in a supportive, unhurried atmosphere -- with a good dose of fun thrown in. Join Lesa for a friendly and intimate experience of this refined style of yoga. You’ll leave each class feeling refreshed and enlivened.
Yoga Warrior 2021 Competition with Yoga Journal |
LESA KINGSBURY made a fine showing in the Yoga Warrior Competition and will still continue her mission:
She wants to get the word out that yoga
is available to everyone & acknowledge
there is a way of doing yoga that isn’t
only for the glamorous.